Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Death by Powerpoint

We looked at a powerpoint presentation today, and I learned a lot of interesting information about how to make the powerpoint less boring. For example, I learned that:
-you need to really get to the point
-don't put too much information
-a lot of pictures!
-you need to rehearse what you say
-interesting and significant statements
-make it memorable
-and other great tips

After looking up things about the boring powerpoint issue, I found some other solutions:
-Don't have too many visuals or animations, it causes a distraction
-Large and simple fonts
-In the beginning, list what you will be talking about in the first few slides
-Try using more unique templates, rather than templates given on the program
-Try to add a little humor, to keep audience interested
-Try avoiding full sentences

Luckily, I have already used keynote before, so using it to make a powerpoint won't be very difficult to me.  It's actually a lot like pages, except it has some other different effects. I like how you get to choose from so many cool themes, and some of them look really professional, and others look more like for fun. Hopefully I'll learn more things that will make my powerpoint better.

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