Monday, November 29, 2010

adobe Illustrator

Today I worked on Adobe Illustrator. It was a lot more confusing than I thought it would be! It was really frustrating because first of all, I couldn't get the gradient to work because it kept staying on black and white. Also, illustrator is different from photoshop so it's a lot more challenging. After a while, I'm sure it will get easier, but right now it's frustrating. Hopefully, i'll get better at it!(:

Food log(:

Here's the full food log, since I wasn't able to post all of it last time! It has all the things I ate in a week, and has all the charts showing the food groups I ate and the percentages.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What I did today

Today I worked on finishing my food log on numbers. When I saved it, it was too big so next time, I'll have to make things smaller and try again. Here's the pdf file for it, although it's not the whole thing.

Here's the picture of myself when I made a picture out of food.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Food Log

Today I recorded what I ate for the past two days and then put it all in a chart. Next, I started to use photoshop to make a picture of my face with foods! Haha it'll be very interesting.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reflections on Today

Today, we read an article that was really interesting, details in other post. Then, we worked with typography again and this time I decided to do an apple. It was really easy and I enjoyed making it. Plus I just put a bunch of random things which was entertaining. Here's the picture:
Original Image

Citations: "Stock.xchng - Apple (stock Photo by Gimbok)." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. 9 May 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <>.

Reflections on: Inside the War Against China's Blogs.

I don’t think it’s okay to have the companies do this. First of all, you’ll never know if the product is ever good or not. So, you wouldn’t be able to trust people’s opinions. It could be a really bad product and if there were good comments on it, then yes, of course consumers would buy it. That wouldn’t be good though because it’s false advertisement.     It’s also kind of low that you would have to pay people to put good reviews and comments about your product. I still don’t understand why they are disrespecting chinese culture. I think that’s really mean because even though they may be guilty it’s not right to be ridiculing other people’s cultures. That is definitely not netiquette. In my opinion, I still think it’s wrong that the companies are using false advertisement, but I wouldn’t go to the point where I would make fun of their culture. For example, Toyota featured an ad with Chinese stone lions bowing to a Japanese-made SUV. That is just really disrespectful. I also never knew that they had to spend so much dealing with bad comments. They spend tons of money trying to erase bad comments and negative information, and then they spend even more money paying people to right positive comments. Although I wish it would all be truthful and not a bunch of lies. How do we know who’s giving the true information? It also makes me question if they do that here in the U.S. Can i trust anyone anymore on the internet. Reading this article made me really think about all the lies that people tell to cover bad things up in this world. When we were little, didn't they tell us it was bad to lie? They aren’t exactly setting good examples. I just really hope that not everything on the internet I read is a lie these days.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Typography is what language looks like. It's the art and techniques of type design. It's not words, it's like a design. Big companies use artists for topographic work because it requires to have skills to be a typographer. It might effect potential consumers because if the design is nice, and it looks really neat and professional, consumers are most likely going to want to look at the product and buy it. I think graffiti would be typography because it's a form of design used with words. I think typography is amazing. There are certain effects you could create by just the type of typography you use. Plus, it just makes the text much less boring to read. I think it's also like a form of art and after learning about the anatomy, it looked really interesting! I had a lot of fun today, and I learned a bunch of neat things. Hopefully next time I'll finish my flower, although i'm not sure if I'm supposed to use real words or can it just be a bunch of letters? I look forward to doing more with typography next class period.

Anatomy of a font:
1. tail
2. spine
3. apex
4. serif
5. bowl
6. finial
7. counter
8. descender
9. stem
10. spur
11. link
12. loop
13. ear
14. ascender
15. arm
16. crossbar

Drawing with Typography!

Original Pic-

The one I edited today-
I know it's not much, but hopefully next time I'll get more done, it's kind of because I was just typing actual words so I'll see what I can do next class period!

citations:"Stock.xchng - African Daisy (stock Photo by Sweetiluv)." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. 19 Oct. 2009. Web. 12 Nov. 2010. <>.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Short class

We had really short 30 minute classes because of benchmarks today. I finished on what I worked on last time, which was finishing up with the editing! I'm really glad I'm getting the hang of photoshop and it's so simple when it's broken down into easy steps. Hopefully, by the end of the 6 weeks, I'll be a pro at photoshop!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Photoshop Today

We worked with photoshop today again. Here's the original:

Here's the one I adjusted and edited on photoshop!! :D

Citations: Gormah, Slavik. "Stock.xchng - Tiger 2 (stock Photo by Slavikgo)." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. 22 May 2010. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. <>.

Photoshop was a lot easier after going step by step and it's really cool how you can alter photos so much!
Here's another photo I changed....

Edited in photoshop-  

Citations: "Stock.xchng - Dolphin 1 (stock Photo by Equineator)." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. 29 June 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2010. <>.

2nd Six Weeks Reflection

I think I have been really productive this six weeks. I learned how to make a whole brochure, itinerary, and everything. I'm now really good at pages because of that, and I'm now experienced with it. Also, we just learned about RGB and CMYK and about light and that was really interesting because I never knew you could make different colors from codes or red and green make yellow. I think my work habits are good, but I can be talkative during class. Although, when I really try, I'm a hard worker and get good quality work. Talking kind of slows me down a bit, but when I know I need to get my work done, I usually get it done. I have gained a bunch of knowledge about computers and technology in this class. This next semester I'll probably learn a lot more too. So, overall this class has helped me learn more about computers and how they work and interesting stuff like that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Photoshop Today

With the step by step instructions, things were much easier today. It was actually really fun and easy! I guess I learn better by actually doing the things. Here's the image i did:

Citations: Soininen, Juha. "Stock.xchng - Panda (stock Photo by Soikha)." Stock.xchng - the Leading Free Stock Photography Site. 14 May 2008. Web. 04 Nov. 2010. <>.

Here is a distorted cartoon picture of myself!!! :D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Working with Photoshop

Today, we learned about Photoshop and how to use it. Even though there were a bunch of tutorials, it's still    really confusing to me. I hope I'll get it more later on, it's just that there are so many buttons and things you can do, and it gets confusing. Hopefully, i'll get it more later on.

Color Imbalances in CMYK Questions

Mixing Light Tab-
1. How can you get Cyan?
By mixing green and blue.
2. How can you get Magenta?
By mixing red and blue.
3. How can you get White?
By mixing red, blue, and green.

Mixing Pigment Tab-
4. How can you get Red?
By mixing Magenta and Yellow.
5. How can you get Blue?
By mixing Cyan and Magenta.
6. How can you get Black.
By mixing Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow.

7.As the yellow ink cartridge no longer has enough ink to work as designed, what
happens to the other colors? 
The other colors stay the same but there's no more yellow.
8.As the cyan ink cartridge no longer has enough ink to work as designed, what happens
to the other colors?
The other colors stay, but cyan fades away.